Рекламне оголошення
Рекламне оголошення

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Abort check-in for a tournament

Рекламне оголошення

When your tournament is in a 'checking_in' or 'checked_in' state, there's no way to edit the tournament's start time (start_at) or check-in duration (check_in_duration). You must first abort check-in, then you may edit those attributes.

  1. Makes all participants active and clears their checked_in_at times.
  2. Transitions the tournament state from 'checking_in' or 'checked_in' to 'pending'


POST https://api.challonge.com/v1/tournaments/{tournament}/abort_check_in.{json|xml}


Name Description
Your API key (required unless you're using HTTP basic authentication)
{tournament} (in URL string)
Tournament ID (e.g. 10230) or URL (e.g. 'single_elim' for challonge.com/single_elim). If assigned to a subdomain, URL format must be :subdomain-:tournament_url (e.g. 'test-mytourney' for test.challonge.com/mytourney)
include_participants 0 or 1; includes an array of associated participant records
include_matches 0 or 1; includes an array of associated match records

Рекламне оголошення