Check out Challonge Connect, our new Tournament API Devkit for your Game, Website, or App.

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Create a tournament

Create a new tournament.




Name Description
Your API key (required unless you're using HTTP basic authentication)
tournament[name] Your event's name/title (Max: 60 characters)
tournament[tournament_type] Single elimination (default), double elimination, round robin, swiss
tournament[url] (letters, numbers, and underscores only); when blank on create, a random URL will be generated for you
tournament[subdomain] (Requires write access to the specified subdomain)
tournament[description] Description/instructions to be displayed above the bracket
tournament[open_signup] True or false. Have Challonge host a sign-up page (otherwise, you manually add all participants)
tournament[hold_third_place_match] True or false - Single Elimination only. Include a match between semifinal losers? (default: false)
tournament[pts_for_match_win] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 1.0
tournament[pts_for_match_tie] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 0.5
tournament[pts_for_game_win] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 0.0
tournament[pts_for_game_tie] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 0.0
tournament[pts_for_bye] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Swiss only - default: 1.0
tournament[swiss_rounds] Integer - Swiss only - We recommend limiting the number of rounds to less than two-thirds the number of players. Otherwise, an impossible pairing situation can be reached and your tournament may end before the desired number of rounds are played.
tournament[ranked_by] One of the following: 'match wins', 'game wins', 'points scored', 'points difference', 'custom' Help
tournament[rr_pts_for_match_win] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Round Robin "custom only" - default: 1.0
tournament[rr_pts_for_match_tie] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Round Robin "custom" only - default: 0.5
tournament[rr_pts_for_game_win] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Round Robin "custom" only - default: 0.0
tournament[rr_pts_for_game_tie] Decimal (to the nearest tenth) - Round Robin "custom" only - default: 0.0
tournament[accept_attachments] True or false - Allow match attachment uploads (default: false)
tournament[hide_forum] True or false - Hide the forum tab on your Challonge page (default: false)
tournament[show_rounds] True or false - Single & Double Elimination only - Label each round above the bracket (default: false)
tournament[private] True or false - Hide this tournament from the public browsable index and your profile (default: false)
tournament[notify_users_when_matches_open] True or false - Email registered Challonge participants when matches open up for them (default: false)
tournament[notify_users_when_the_tournament_ends] True or false - Email registered Challonge participants the results when this tournament ends (default: false)
tournament[sequential_pairings] True or false - Instead of traditional seeding rules, make pairings by going straight down the list of participants. First round matches are filled in top to bottom, then qualifying matches (if applicable). (default: false)
tournament[signup_cap] Integer - Maximum number of participants in the bracket. A waiting list (attribute on Participant) will capture participants once the cap is reached.
tournament[start_at] Datetime - the planned or anticipated start time for the tournament (Used with check_in_duration to determine participant check-in window). Timezone defaults to Eastern.
tournament[check_in_duration] Integer - Length of the participant check-in window in minutes.
tournament[grand_finals_modifier] String - This option only affects double elimination. null/blank (default) - give the winners bracket finalist two chances to beat the losers bracket finalist, 'single match' - create only one grand finals match, 'skip' - don't create a finals match between winners and losers bracket finalists

Sample Response

  "tournament": {
    "accept_attachments": false,
    "allow_participant_match_reporting": true,
    "anonymous_voting": false,
    "category": null,
    "check_in_duration": null,
    "completed_at": null,
    "created_at": "2015-01-19T16:47:30-05:00",
    "created_by_api": false,
    "credit_capped": false,
    "description": "",
    "game_id": 600,
    "group_stages_enabled": false,
    "hide_forum": false,
    "hide_seeds": false,
    "hold_third_place_match": false,
    "id": 1086875,
    "max_predictions_per_user": 1,
    "name": "Sample Tournament 1",
    "notify_users_when_matches_open": true,
    "notify_users_when_the_tournament_ends": true,
    "open_signup": false,
    "participants_count": 4,
    "prediction_method": 0,
    "predictions_opened_at": null,
    "private": false,
    "progress_meter": 0,
    "pts_for_bye": "1.0",
    "pts_for_game_tie": "0.0",
    "pts_for_game_win": "0.0",
    "pts_for_match_tie": "0.5",
    "pts_for_match_win": "1.0",
    "quick_advance": false,
    "ranked_by": "match wins",
    "require_score_agreement": false,
    "rr_pts_for_game_tie": "0.0",
    "rr_pts_for_game_win": "0.0",
    "rr_pts_for_match_tie": "0.5",
    "rr_pts_for_match_win": "1.0",
    "sequential_pairings": false,
    "show_rounds": true,
    "signup_cap": null,
    "start_at": null,
    "started_at": null,
    "started_checking_in_at": null,
    "state": "pending",
    "swiss_rounds": 0,
    "teams": false,
    "tie_breaks": [
      "match wins vs tied",
      "game wins",
      "points scored"
    "tournament_type": "single elimination",
    "updated_at": "2015-01-19T16:57:17-05:00",
    "url": "sample_tournament_1",
    "description_source": "",
    "subdomain": null,
    "full_challonge_url": "",
    "live_image_url": "",
    "sign_up_url": null,
    "review_before_finalizing": true,
    "accepting_predictions": false,
    "participants_locked": true,
    "game_name": "Table Tennis",
    "participants_swappable": false,
    "team_convertable": false,
    "group_stages_were_started": false
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