
Eigenschaften Standard
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Host Dedicated Tournament Page
Promote a dedicted tournament page complete with brackets, participants, standings, sponsor details, stations, discussions, and more.
Yes (With display ads) Yes (No ads)
Eine Turnierform, wobei eine Niederlage zum Ausscheiden führt.
Eine Turnierform, wobei zwei Niederlagen zum Ausscheiden führen.
Eine Turnierform, wobei jeder Teilnehmer in Runden gegen jeden anderen antritt.
Schweizer System
Eine eliminationsfreie Turnierform, welche iterativ Teilnehmer anhand ihres Könnens in Gruppen aufteilt und somit gleichbleibende Spielzeiten für alle sicher stellt.
Jeder gegen jeden
Eine Turnierform, wobei aus einer Gruppe von unabhängigen Teilnehmern nur der/die Beste(n) weiter schreiten.
Time Trial
A tournament format used to see who can get the best time. Learn More.
Single Race
A tournament format that allows multiple racers to compete in a single track.
Grand Prix
A tournament format that can host multiple races with the same participants and allocate points based on the results of each race.
Pools & Zwei-stufige Turniere
Ein Format mit mehreren Turnieren, wobei die Besten einer Stufe in die nächste weiter schreiten. (z.B. Reguläre Seasons zu den Playoffs)
Aufteilen von Teilnehmer
Starte mit der Hälfte der Teilnehmer im Verliererbaum. Erfahre mehr.
Host an entire league using a two stage tournament consisting of a round robin regular season and single elimination tournament as the playoffs.
Mehrere Sets pro Begegnung
A scoring system using a subset of multiple games (or best of series) to determine the overall match winner.
Automated stacked ranking system made up of wins, losses, ties, and tie breaks of all participants.
Country Flag in Race Standings
A flag is displayed to represent the country you selected from your Account Settings.
Allowing the tournament organizer to post announcements to the event's participants.
Meldung von Ergebnissen
Enables a dedicated tab for tournament organizers to efficiently report scores as well as an option to allow participants to self-report scores.
Anhänge für Begegnungen
Lade Dateien hoch als Beweis für die Ergebnisse.
Up to 250KB Up to 25MB
Vergebe Admin-Rechte
Give others admin access to report scores, upload match attachments, manage participants, and more.
Yes (With unlimited admins) Yes (With unlimited admins)
Eingebettete Bäume
Add Challonge brackets to any website with a small line of provided code.
Yes (With display ads + Challonge watermark) Yes (No ads + Challonge watermark + customized themes)
Gedruckte Bäume
Create a printer-friendly version of your tournament bracket in its current state.
Add up to 256 or 512 participants to any Challonge tournament format, except single-stage Round Robins that have a limit of 40 participants (for bracket scalability) for either plan.
Up to 256 Up to 512
Teilnehmer im Block hinzufügen
Simply copy and paste a participant list to build your next bracket and drag and drop names to adjust seeding.
Erforderliche Teamregistrierung
Require a Challonge Team, comprised of multiple Challonge users, to register for your tournament as opposed to an individual participant.
Hoste eine Registrierungsseite
Generate a dedicated page and link for participants to self-register for your tournament.
Verlange eine Registrierungsgebühr
Require registrants to pay a fee you set to participate in your next tournament.
Yes (Includes $0.75/order service fee + Stripe integration) Yes (Includes $0 service fee + Stripe integration)
Require Verified Emails
Enable to ensure that your participants get email notifications about their upcoming matches, tournament results, and community announcements. Learn More.
Region Locking
Host regional competitions and allow specific countries for your registration. Learn More.
Prevent unwanted users from registering for your tournaments and sending you private messages. Learn More.
Custom Tournament Ads
Promote brand, products, merchandise, and many more with customized ads targeted to your participants.
Custom Fields
Allows tournament organizers to gather more detailed information about participants (individuals or teams) at the time of registration. Learn More.
Private Messaging
Allows users to send direct messages within a tournament. Allows tournament organizers to bulk-send messages to all participants.
Social Image Sharing
Share your match results easily on Facebook and Twitter anytime. Learn More.
Aktiviere Eintragung
Allow participants to check-in for the tournament virtually (requires a Challonge account) or in-person up to two days before the event to help ensure the bracket only includes checked-in participants.
Setze Begegnungs-Orte
Allows the tournament organizer to assign on-bracket labels where matches will be held.
Setze Begegnungs-Zeiten
Allows the tournament organizer to set and display the match start date and time on the bracket.
Zeige die Warteschlange eines Ortes
Provides a real-time display detailing the status of every match at every station.
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